Minicity Ljubljana, a creative children's city, is located in Hall A of Ljubljana's BTC City and represents more than 50 companies in a new media format for addressing the family segment. Through interactive gaming units, in which each company represents its own branch, through the extended hands of animators, children learn practical skills and life situations using realistic equipment and accessories. Through this socially responsible project, companies teach and entertain children under the age of 12, and their parents, address them through accompanying events and promotions, as well as on our web and other channels. A comprehensive approach to the realization of the business idea, continuous investment in the satisfaction of partners and visitors, a structured marketing strategy and the monitoring and development of staff are reflected in the continuous growth of Minicity Ljubljana.
Public and private, Slovene and foreign, large and small companies, for which Minicity also means promoting their brand and products, through this innovative and interactive media format achieve positive and practical visibility. Companies that have been cooperating with Minicity for almost five years now know that the influence of children on the parents' purchasing habits is a significant and rising phenomenon, and that future customers need to be monitored for a long time before they actually become their customers or users, to understand and recognize them on this path of desires, needs and habits.
The participation package in the Minicity gaming unit includes:
- presentation of the trademark of the company with exposure of the name and logo in accordance with the company's corporate image;
- presentation of the company's brand / products / services in an innovative and educational way;
- the interaction of children and parents, which are kept on average in Minicity for 2 hours and 46 minutes, with a brand name;
- re-interacting visitors with the company's brand, as satisfaction analysis shows that as many as 92 percent of visitors predict that Minicity will return;
- promotional and educational events for the brand;
- media support in the form of a company's presentation on the Minicity website;
- promotion of the company within the Minicity profile of Facebook, where more than 15.000 people follow us;
- the company's listing in the Minicity promotional messages, which reach about 151,000 people;
- media support in the form of PR messages;
- the appearance of the trademark within other forms of advertising used by Minicity to promote their activities - radio, television, digital channels, external advertising surfaces, promotional brochures and professional materials for schools and kindergartens;
- a physical space in our city, where children will learn all about the brand of the company and the products / services that you offer through a professionally guided didactic game.
For detailed information please contact us:
Our partners:
Interaktivno motorično-didaktično igralo, Prometni poligon - Generali zavarovalnica d.d. Ljubljana, Javni potniški promet - Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet, d.o.o., Tiskarna - Tiskarna Print Point, d.o.o., Čistilni kotiček - Makom trgovina, d.o.o., Športna hiša - Decathlon Ljubljana, d.o.o., Didaktične igrače - Mob4u, d.o.o., Hiša naravne kozmetike - Nushy, Martina Drašler, s.p., Tiskarna - Epson, Recaro - Čenča, d.o.o., Porodnišnica - Meblo int, d.o.o., Porodnišnica - Atlantic trade, d.o.o., Svet napolitank - Tobačna Grosist, d.o.o., Outfit7 Limited, Televizijski studio - Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod, Benova soba - Mercator-Emba, d.d., Porodnišnica - Bayer, d.o.o., Interaktivno motorično-didaktično igralo, Varno na pot - AMZS, d.d., Dežela okusov - Droga kolinska, d.d., Interaktivno motorično-didaktično igralo - Javna agencija Republike Slovenije za varnost prometa, Hiška ponovne uporabe - Javno podjetje VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA, Hiša vode - Javno podjetje VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA, Mlekarna - Kele & Kele, d.o.o., Radijski studio - Radio Center, d.o.o., Zobozdravstveni center - GSK, Trgovina in Pekarna, HOFER trgovina, d.o.o., Avtohiša - Porsche Slovenija, d.o.o., Banka - Nova Ljubljanska banka, d.d. Gradimo hišo - Bauhaus trgovsko podjetje, d.o.o., Porodnišnica - Bolnišnica Postojna, Hitimo na pomoč - Webo, d.o.o., Porodnišnica - Biobanka, d.o.o., Tovarna energije - Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o., Živalski vrt - ZOO Ljubljana, Hiša dobrih bakterij - Ewopharma, d.o.o., Hitimo na pomoč - Republika Slovenija Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve POLICIJA, Hitimo na pomoč - Gasilska zveza Slovenije, Športna hiša - Športno društvo Olimp Domžale, Papirnica - Acron, d.o.o., Porodnišnica in previjalni kotiček - LES-MMS d.o.o., Internetni kotiček in Modra hiška, Telekom Slovenije d.d., Založba – Založba Morfem, Hitimo na pomoč - Detekta d.o.o., Optika – Zajec Optika, Fotograf – Aleksandar Domitrica, Tovarna Kokic - Pokica, Restavratorska hiška - Gnom d.o.o., Hitimo na pomoč - Valina d.o.o., Porodnišnica in previjalni kotiček - Abena Helpi d.o.o., Čistkjut trgovina in otroški kotiček - Hapece d.o.o., Ty trgovina - Meteor CEE, Pringlesova soba - Orbico d.o.o.